
We value your opinion

Meeting clients expectations is one of our top priorities and we want to thank everyone sharing their experience with us.

Are you a METOS® user? Share your opinion with us via email!


Fazenda Cachoeira – Family farm in Brazil

We have been using METOS weather stations for 14 years. We started with one station, and today we have four to get a better understanding of where the rain is. They allow us to plan our schedule in a very organized way, and we rely on them for everything - from irrigation to spraying and more.
Bernhard L. Kiep
Bernhard Kiep

We want to thank Bernhard Kiep deeply for taking the time to share the story of his family farm and his 14 years long journey with METOS weather stations. 


EURASIA GROUP Kazakhstan LLC, Agrar School

“Аграрная Школа” (Agrar School) YouTube channel, which is done by AGROMANAGEMENT and Agrimarket prepared a video about our iMETOS 3.3 and iMETOS ECO D3 with Sentek sensor, described by them as a universal autonomous weather monitoring system. Beside unpacking both stations, they answer the question what weather station is, how the particular station is installed, etc.

We want to thank both Аграрная Школа and Eurasia group ТОО “Евразия Групп Казахстан”, the general sponsor of the video, for preparing the video.


ŁUKASZ CZARNOCKI, a fruit grower

Mr. Łukasz Czarnocki, a fruit grower from the vicinity of Siedlce, Poland, decided to place iMETOS stations in his orchard for accurate weather monitoring and optimal frost protection which he finds the most important aspect of the newly installed stations. He pointed out that having a weather station is a very convenient solution because during the treatments he can keep an eye on how the weather conditions change and can adapt the treatment to given circumstances.

We want to thank both Mr. Czarnocki for trusting iMETOS line of weather stations and Plantpress MPS SAD for publishing the story.


»I saw the station for the first time in one of the branches of the John Deere dealer of Fricke Agricultural Machines from Mrągowo. I am an enthusiast of all kinds of technical innovations related to precision farming and I also use other precision farming solutions provided by JOHN DEERE.«

We want to thank Karol Hryniewicki for choosing METOS brand for his farm optimisation.

Ewa Krasnodębska, Krasnodębski family farm

“This device helps us in field observation and helps in early detection of pests. Thanks to this, we can step in with security at the right time,” says Ewa Krasnodębska. “The weather station is an excellent tool in disputes with the insurance company, because it collects data on the occurrence of frost or hail,” she concludes.

We want to thank Mrs. Krasnodębska for an impressive story. And congratulations on the state record!

Andrzej Słomczewski, Director of the Plant Production Department at CGFP

CGFP Wojnowo has utilized three µMetos NB-IoT weather stations. Their installation not only enhances the precision of Hyper-Local weather forecasts but also enables comprehensive monitoring across various crops.

“The modules function effectively and assist us in overseeing field operations. Having constant access on the phone or computer is a valuable support. It makes decision-making easier,” says Andrzej Słomczewski, Director of the Crop Production Department at CGFP.

We want to thank Mr.Słomczewski for sharing his experience with us.


MURAD, agronomist of Fazenda LLC

We were excited to receive this video made by ФЕРМЕР.RU. They filmed feedback from Murad, the agronomist of Fazenda LLC in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, South of Russia. In his 2000 ha farm, he uses our iMETOS 3.3 – IMT300 version station with soil sensors, weather forecast, and disease model subscription. Mr. Murad presented and explained which sensors he uses, and how easy it is to get information and data from our cloud. He is particularly fond of the data that help him with irrigation management and planning.

We want to thank both Murad for sharing his experience and ФЕРМЕР.RU for catching it on video.


Testimonial - Slovenia - Majeric

Branko MAJERIČ, farmer & soil expert

We were excited to receive this video made by ФЕРМЕР.RU. They filmed feedback from Murad, the agronomist of Fazenda LLC in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, South of Russia. In his 2000 ha farm, he uses our iMETOS 3.3 – IMT300 version station with soil sensors, weather forecast, and disease model license. Mr. Murad presented and explained which sensors he uses, and how easy it is to get information and data from our cloud. He is particularly fond of the data that help him with irrigation management and planning.

We want to thank both Murad for sharing his experience and ФЕРМЕР.RU for catching it on video.

South Africa

PIETER WILLEM EKSTEEN, Bartho Eksteen Wine Estate

“Hi there, I’m Pieter Willem Eksteen from the Bartho Eksteen Wine Estate. We have been a part of unique Climate Smart Agriculture project for roughly a year and we have been incredibly pleased and happy with the service and product that was provided to us. […] I would recommend it to any farmer that is in a pursuit of producing top quality grapes.”

Listen to what else has Pieter got to say about his METOS installation.

We want to thank Pieter for talking about his experience with our products with us.

JOHAN STEPHAN, Stephan & Seun Potatoes

“Hi there, my name is Johan Stephan and I’m a farmer at Stephen & Seun Potatoes here at the Sandveld Region of the Western Cape. Our main crop that we produce is potatoes and you can find our produce available at the market throughout the year. Behind me I have a Pessl weather station, supplied to us by METOS through the Eureka Climate Smart Agriculture project. […] We feel that the main advantage of having a weather station on the farm is the fact that you have access to accurate site-specific weather data… […] All in all, we’ve really enjoyed being part of the project and we feel that the partnership with METOS has added value to our business by helping us to use weather data to improve how we farm.”

We want to thank mr. Stephan for sharing his experience with our products.



“Currently I have the iMETOS 3.3 weather station, which has become indispensable in my day to day life. Mainly the functions that I use the most are the localized weather forecast and the” spray window “function. This last tool guarantees a full effectiveness of the herbicides applied, since their effectiveness has been reduced over the years, generating resistance in the weed. Likewise, the prediction of diseases, the wind or work planning are my main source for decision-making, by achieving a data accuracy of more than 98% compared to mobile time applications.”

We want to thank Marcos for sharing his experience with us.

Testimonial - Spain - Marcos Esteve Pamias


Murat Salih

dr. MURAT SALIH, farmer and electronic engineer

“I am a full-time farmer and an electronic engineer. Our agricultural production farm is in the Central Safe Village of Kilis. I have been using the iMETOS system for 2.5 years. […] The iMETOS system has enabled us to make timely and correct decisions in many fields of agricultural production and changed the way we do business. These areas can be summarized as sowing, spraying, fertilizing and irrigation timing.”

Read what dr. Murat Salih wrote about his METOS installation.

Mehmet Kiziltoprak, pomegranate grower

“We choose METOS because it has big experience, big data, from all over the world. Every day when I woke up, I often open FieldClimate app and check the important things for my daily work plan.”

Check out what Mr. Mehmet Kiziltoprak said in the video below.

United Kingdom

CARL PITELEN, Group FarmSight and Optimisation Manager at Ben Burgess

»I work for Ben Burgess, we are agricultural engineers, we’re based here in Norfolk; […] We use the (LoRa based) sensors, we’ve deployed them out in the field, the sensors are gathering rain and weather data where we then feed that information back to the landowner or the potato grower […] where he can monitor his crops, see what the weather he’s had for them and use it for soil moisture, to know how much irrigation he potentially needs to be giving to his crop or even using it for humidity for disease modeling and disease monitoring for crop protection. This technology presents a real opportunity to deliver to the customers a cost-effective decision support tool.«

Listen to what else has Carl got to say about the LoRa installations.

We want to thank David Whattoff, METOS UK managing director and Carl Pitelen for such an insightful presentation.

ALASTAIR HEATH, James Heath and Sons Ltd

»With the live data from the probes we can see how much water is available in that field’s soil, and how fast the crop is using it. This helps us plan when to irrigate, how much water to put on, and how long it will last. […] Before we installed the stations we treated every field the same. Now, we know that we can have a 20mm difference in rainfall in fields only 2.5 miles apart and that our fields vary in how each crop responds to water uptake«

We want to thank Alastair Heath for trusting Pessl Instruments and METOS brand to help him with field management and irrigation optimisation.

TIM DIXON, Farm Manager – Crown Point Estate Farms

»The disease model is useful,” says Tim. “We’re on a tight schedule to get around to all the fields so we tend to stick to a seven-day spray interval for blight, but we will use the disease model data to fine-tune our fungicide choice depending on risk level. The delta point information is helpful for spray timing. Although we can usually tell from the office how windy or not it is, the delta point gives us more detail on when is the best or worst time to spray.«

We want to thank Tim Dixon for sharing his success story with us.

United States

JIM BRITTON, Britton Ag Consulting

“My name is Jim Britton, my company is Britton Ag Consulting, I do irrigation consulting, weather monitoring, disease monitoring, insect monitoring with the product Pessl Instruments has. […] I got involved with the distribution of Pessl instruments through another gentleman who was working for them before and I just like their platform and their dashboard a lot better and it was a good selling point, too, because the farmers could see exactly what was going on with their crop and know if it needed the water or not.”

Farmer and independent ag consultant, Jim Britton, discusses his experience as a Pessl Instruments representative for growers in the California market. See what else he’s got to say about the benefits of using Pessl Instruments equipment.

We want to thank Jim Britton for sharing his detailed experience with us through Farm Equipment.

CODY ESTES, President at Estes Citrus Inc

“The FieldClimate platform has made monitoring our weather and soil moisture information a breeze. The equipment has been reliable and accurate. “ Read what Cody Estes said about his METOS equipment.

We want to thank Cody Estes for his kind words and we are excited to see how METOS brand will support his hard work in the future.

ART WOMACK, citrus grower

“Hello, my name is Art Womack, I’m a citrus grower in Hardee County, Florida. And this is my Grove and this is my wonderful weather station so I know how much and when to water my orange grove. […] We water far less at certain times of the year so we save money on diesel fuel, save money on fertilizers, we don’t push the fertilizer through soil so rapidly that it gets past the roots and doesn’t get absorbed.”

Listen to what else has Art got to say about his METOS installation.

We want to thank Art for trusting METOS brand and Pessl Instruments team with his citrus groves.