New distribution agreement

Pessl Instruments and Villa announce distribution agreement

Thanks to a distribution agreement between Villa and Pessl Instruments technological solutions are now brought closer to the South African market.

Digitization, data analytics, IoT, location detection technologies, AI-based devices, drone technology. The technological advance has entered into agriculture and changed it drastically.

Pessl Instruments and Villa understand how useful these technological innovations are. They assist farmers to make better decisions, increase efficiency and help reduce the use of water, land, energy. The evolving approach to agriculture and farming practices are without a doubt the future of modern agriculture.

Pessl Instruments agreed to give Villa exclusive rights to distribute hardware and software under METOS brand in South Africa. This way the high-end weather stations that cover a wide range of services will get closer to the South African farmers and help them with their production. As part of the distribution strategy, the name “METOS South Africa” was secured.

We are excited to say that we have a strong team behind this cooperation – Deon Coetzee, current Marketing advisor that will lead the project in close collaboration with Marius Boshoff from Villa and Colin Nish from Pessl Instruments. We are looking forward to seeing the results this collaboration brings.

For more than 35 years, Pessl Instruments has been offering tools for informed decision-making. A complete range of wireless, solar powered monitoring systems under the iMETOS® brand, and an online platform FieldClimate are applicable in all climate zones and can be used in various industries and for various purposes – from agriculture to research, hydrology, meteorology, flood warning and more.
Over the years, iMETOS® has become a global brand with local support, and has managed to reach out to almost every corner of the world. The iMETOS® brand lasts longer, performs better, is easier to use and offers you the lowest total cost of ownership.

Further information
Gottfried Pessl, CEO & Founder
 +43 3172 55 21
 [email protected]

Villa is a market leader in South Africa in crop protection products. With more than 300 product registrations and nearly 900 on-farm research and development trials conducted each year, the ISO-accredited company has a reputation for high quality and innovative products that help local growers achieve their goals. Villa is now also delivering new capabilities to the South African market through a partnership with Land O’Lakes, Inc. and its premier global crop inputs business Winfield United.

Further information
 011 396 2233
 [email protected]