Customer Story
SFT (Società Frutticoltori Trento)
Società Frutticoltori Trento (S.F.T.) groups producers in a wide area of Vallagarina, along the Adige river, south of the city of Trento in Northern Italy. It groups 700 members on about 650 hectares where predominant crop is apple, followed by kiwi, plums and cherries.
We introduced the first iMETOS station in 2007 and, after a functional evaluation, we increased the number to six.
The idea was to carefully monitor agrometeo parametrs in order to be able to give alerts on frost risk and to monitor crop protection.
I must say that iMetos stations satisfied our expectations and allowed us to fastly and punctually react to critical points directly or indirectly related to meteo data.
Since 2013, we installed some stations equipped with soil monitoring systems in order to rationally manage water resources and to be able to determine more efficiently watering needs of the crop.