METOS is not the only remote field monitoring solution, but we dare say that it is the solution you’ve been looking for.
5 reasons Why Choose METOS by Pessl Instruments
METOS is not the only remote field monitoring solution, but we dare say that it is the solution you’ve been looking for.
It is a unique combination of measuring equipment, integrated in the cloud, to offer top quality services and decision support for disease modelling, weather forecasting, plant protection, irrigation management, asset tracking and all essential farm operations. In house scientists and tech experts work on the development of advanced solutions, to bring the highest value to the final user – the grower.
1. Integrated holistic solution
METOS equipment and services cover all aspects of farm operations, all year around, and all around the world.
Durable, (mostly) solar-powered devices are the product of years of experience in the field. They support the grower from his first visit to the field to put seeds in the soil, through the growing season and up until harvest. Real-time, on-site measured parameters for weather forecasting, frost monitoring, soil monitoring, irrigation management, disease modelling, asset tracking, satellite imaging, insect monitoring, yield quality and quantity monitoring, help save money, time and resources.
2. Modular equipment
The monitoring needs of the grower differ from climate, crop, soil and many other variables which is why METOS weather stations and data loggers have always been a modular solutions. Put on the sensors that you need, and change them or add them later on if necessary.
3. High-quality services
FieldClimate platform is the brain of everything METOS by Pessl Instruments can do. Disease model calculations, based on real measured data from the field are the work of in-house scientists, who have been developing, updating and upgrading the models for more than 30 years. We cover more than 40 crops with over 80 different disease models, all of them tested and used in practice.
The high-precision weather forecast has been developed in cooperation with our Swiss partner meteoblue – their weather prediction models, calibrated with micro-location data give the growers more control over what they can do for their field.
4. Global company with local support
Over the years, METOS has become a global brand with local support, and we are proud to say we managed to reach out to almost every corner of the world. Support from our trained partners worldwide, in the native languages of the growers, has proven to be the greatest asset over and over again.
5. Innovation, research, development
It’s amazing how much agro-technology has developed over the last few years and staying on top of all the opportunities the technology offers is a challenge we face in our day-to-day work. We try to offer innovative, yet reliable solutions to make the lives of growers at least a bit easier.
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