
Advancing Plant Health and Nutrition Monitoring

Dualex - hlavička

Okamžité nedestruktivní měření dusíku a chlorofylu.

Dualex je senzor na listové sponky, který měří obsah chlorofylu a polyfenolových indexů v listech rostlin.

O stránkách Dualex

Díky patentované technologii umožňuje tento optický senzor jednoduché, rychlé a nedestruktivní měření chlorofylu, flavanolů a antokyanů v listech.
Dualex - krabice

Přesné měření chlorofyl

Chlorophyll plays a vital role in photosynthesis and plant development. Dualex measures chlorophyll by analyzing the light transmitted through the leaf at specific wavelengths. The chlorophyll content is given as an absolute value in µg/cm².

Unique combination:
Measure once, get three important leaf parameters

With a single measurement, Dualex captures not only chlorophyll content but also provides indices for flavonols and anthocyanins.

Flavonoly se syntetizují hlavně po vystavení světlu. Proto jsou dobrým ukazatelem historie interakce mezi rostlinou a světlem.

Both flavonols and anthocyanins belong to the polyphenol group, known for their various health benefits. These compounds have antioxidant properties that help reduce cell damage and inflammation. Flavonols are associated with improved cardiovascular health and have the potential to reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. Meanwhile, anthocyanins contribute to cardiovascular health, offer anti-inflammatory effects, and provide additional antioxidant benefits.

Dualex measures flavonols and anthocyanins by analyzing their screening on chlorophyll fluorescence. A smart measuring system uses different light wavelengths to excite the chlorophyll, measure its fluorescence and then calculate the results. Flavonols and anthocyanins are both given in relative absorbance.

Měření Dualex

NBI®: Dusíkem vyvážený index

Chlorofyl se často používá jako indikátor stavu dusíku v rostlinách. Několik let výzkumu a pokusů ukázalo, že polyfenoly, konkrétně flavonoly, jsou také dobrými indikátory stavu dusíku v rostlinách.

The NBI® (Nitrogen Balance Index) combines chlorophyll and flavonols into a single, more precise result. It’s a plant nitrogen status indicator directly correlated with massic nitrogen content. The NBI® is less sensitive to variations of environmental conditions than chlorophyll (leaf age, leaf thickness…).

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